A unique, caffeine-free red chai tea with apple and pink pepper.
Aroma: warm, spicy & slightly peppery
Colour: rich amber
Tea Forté’s Rooibos Raja Chai is an exceptional herbal tisane bringing together a symphony of flavors from India and Africa. Featuring cinnamon, cardamom, pink peppercorn, and other spices complementing the smooth sweetness of rooibos tea leaves, this unique blend incorporates pieces of apple to round out its distinctive taste.
Earthy and piquant, this special caffeine-free blend evokes a grounded sense of calm to all who drink it. Its savory profile is subtle and slightly more peppery and dry than many rooibos blends, making it a perfect cold-weather counterpart to its sweeter summer cousins. Hailing from the Western Cape province of South Africa, rooibos tea (loosely pronounced “roy-boss”) is made from a plant of the same name. Rooibos is commonly referred to as “bush tea” in Britain, drawn from the Afrikaans word rooibostee or rooiboshtee, which means “red bush tea.” Once infused, it takes on a rich red hue and gives off a warm, welcoming aroma.
After first making its way overseas in the early 20th century, rooibos grew from a beloved local ingredient in the Olifants River Valley to one of the most sought-after vegetable seeds in the world. Today, its herbal infusions are enjoyed on every continent.
Rooibos Raja Chai may be accompanied by milk or sugar to taste, and can also be made into a unique winter latte when prepared with warm, frothed milk. Tea purists may also enjoy it simply steeped in water without any additions, allowing the flavors to announce themselves.